Nsou Assignment Examination Guide BLIS 2024,





  • Tilte Page Report on Eighth Refresher course in Education / Department of Education / University of Calcutta / 2001. What will be the Main entry heading according to AACR 2 ?
  • Title Page Philadelphia Emergency Services / A Report / By / F.H. La Guardia, Mayor/ Philadelphia Corporation / 1968 - State the Main entry heading according to AACR 2
  • Title Page Economic Reform of India / Speech delivered by Dr Manmohan Singh / Prime Minister / Government of India. Dr. Singh served as the 13 th Prime Minister of India from 2004-2014. Prepare Main entry heading for the Document according to AACR 2.
  • Title Page: Whispers from enternity / A book answered / Paramahans Yogananada. Prepare 1st area of description according to AACR 2
  • Title Page Literature classics series / Complete works of O. Henry / Double Day / New York / 1960. Other information: Real name of author O. Henry is William Sydney Porter. He is mostly known by his pseudonym. Show the reference entry for this document according to AACR 2
  • Biochemical Journal was started its publication from January 2002 (Vol - 1, no. 1, Mar, 2002) and continued its publication upto December 2013 with quaterly frequency. Write the record for third area of this periodical publication according to AACR 2
  • A book entitled 'Introduction to medical chemistry' having two volumes. Title of Volume I - Everyday Chemistry and Volume II - Creative Chemistry. Show the record in note section to write the volume titles according to AACR
  • Title: The ten Upanishads with notes and Commentry by Swami Sivananda. Published in English in the year 1948. Prepare uniform title as Main entry heading according to AACR 2
  • Title Page: A litle treasuary of Christmas / selected from the New Testament by V.Philips / London / Collins / 1982 Other Information: This authorised version of the New Testament has 40 pages. Prepare uniform title as Main entry heading according to AACR 2.The main entry of Classified Catalogue Code (CCC) is to consist successively of the following sections:
  • In CCC the leading section of the Main Entry is to consist of the document. 
  • A document written by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan then according to CCC what will be recorded in heading section of the Main Entry:
  • In CCC the heading section of Main entry is to consist of the earliest of:
  • Title Page Report of Advisory Committee for Libraries / 1960/ Ministry of Education / Government of India. Chairman of the Committee was K.P. Sinha who was appointed in the year 1958. Main entry heading section according to CCC -
  • Title Page: The marriages in christianity / by Henry Soel / Traslated form German by Andrew John. Other information: The real name of the author is Worden Willington known from reference source. Point out the heading section of the Mian entry according to CCC:
  • A document published from 'Ranganathan Series in Library Science' Number 5 edited by Prof A. Neelameghan. According to CCC this series information will be recorded in the Main entry as
  • Works of unknown authorship is called
  • In AACR-II information relating to ISBN of a book is given
  • Which of the following terms is not used in Ranganathan's chain procedure
  • Which of the following is Number entry in classified catalogue code apart from Main entry
  • The left hand part of the Tracing Section in CCC is used for
  • According to CCC the name of the president of India - K.R. Narayanan should be rendered in the heading section of the Main entry as
  • According to AACR 2R, 1988, when the title gives the name of two editors only, then the main entry will be made under
  • According to AACR 2R, if a book has been written by more than three authors then the main entry should be made under
  • Punctuation mark used in AACR 2R to record the information regarding paralled title is a
  • According to AACR 2R each area of description is separated by the puctuation
  • Other title information of a document will be recorded after title proper by using puctuation - according to AACR 2R, 1988
  • According to AACR 2R, 1988 Dimensions of a document is preceded by
  • The heading of Part I and Part II of the Anglo American cataloguing Rules, second edition, 1988 revision, are entitled as
  • According to AACR 2R subsquent statement of responsibiltiy is preceded by
  • How to write size of a book on a catalogue entry following AACR 2R, 1988, the height of which is 21.5 cm and width is 30 cm ?
  • 'Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review' this title of the Journal was changed into ' International Journal of Scientific Engineering Research' after publication of 12 volumes. Main entry of the Journal title ' International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research' would contain in its note section the information of 'Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review' preceded by
  • In AACR 2R in case of conferences, congresses and meetings, the place (location) number and Date of the conference etc. is given in the Main Entry heading after the name of the conference, etc. in the following order
  • Full form of GMD used as per AACR 2R
  • Write the elements of information along with punctuation marks for recording the fifth area fo description part of Books, Pamphets, and Printed sheets as per AACR 2R 1988
  • According to rule number 1.4C6 of AACR IIR 1988, if the place of publication, distribution, etc. is uncertain, supply the probable place in the language of the chief source of information like
  • According to the rule number 1.4F5 of AACR 2R give the latest date of copyright following the publication date if the copyright date is different is to be given as optional addition. If publication year is 1967 and copyright year 1965, in this case the catalogue record will be
  • If no date of publication, distribution, etc., copyright date, or date of manufacture appears in an item, supply an approximate date of publication - provide this rule at rule 1.4F7 of AACR 2R. One book having no publication year and assume that the book published either in 1971 or 1972 - what will be recorded in that catalogue entry?
  • Rule 2.5B21 of AACR 2R - optional addition - If the volumes in a multivolume set are individually paged, give the pagination of each volume in parentheses after the number of volumes. According to this rule what will be recorded in catalogue entry when a document is in two volumes and volume I having pages xvx; 1-257 and Volume II xxii, 1-312
  • Rule 1.5E1 of AACR 2R provides four ways to record information relating to accompanying materials (material issued with, and intended to be used with, the item being catalogued). If a book is having one set of teacher's note then the catalogue record will be
  • Title page of a conference document reads: Proceedings of the Ninth Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held at Houston, Texas from March 13 to March 17, 2019 under the editorship of Prof. Micheal Parkin - What will be the Main Entry heading according to AACR 2R, 1988
  • Title page The Mother's Guide / By Mrs. Anne Chaplet / The Child Care / By Mrs. Halen Judith / Carter and Hendee / Boston / 1998 - select the apporipate Main Entry heading from the following accordiong to AACR 2R:
  • How many areas are their of the description part of a catalogue entry according to AACR 2R 1988
  • According to CCC the title section of the main entry consist of three sentences, they are
  • According to CCC Tracing Section of the Main Entry is recorded on the back side (White Part) of the main entry within two parts - left side and right side. In the right part of the tracing section consists of the following
  • A document is written by two authors - F. Wilfrid Lancaster and John Wiley - Third edition - Edited by Rocha Ruth. What will be recorded in the tracing section as book Index entries according to CCC
  • AACR says GMD is
  • in the description of a catalogue entry.
  • Write the elements of information with punctuation marks of area number four of description part of document according to AACR 2
  • According to AACR 2 the third area (Material ( or type of publication) specific details) is applicable for chapter 12 i.e. serials. Name that area for serial publication
  • If a document published from London - New Delhi - Kolkata, then according to AACR 2 what will be recorded as place of publication, considering that the cataloguing agency is in Kolkata
  • If the name of the publisher and place of publication is unknown then according to AACR 2 the record in the description area will be
  • According to AACR 2 if a single statement of responsibility names more than three persons ( first name shown Dr S.R. Ranaganathan) performing the same function, or with the same degree of responsibility, then first statement of responsbility will appear as :
  • Title page reads: Daughter of the East / by Benazir Bhutto - Main entry heading as per AACR 2:
  • Title page reads: Reforming Reference/ Guidelines for Librarian/ Ratan Kumar Khan / Bhubaneswar Chakroborty / AND / SWAPNA BANERJEE - Main entry heading according to AACR 2:
  • Title page: The Institutional Repository / written by / Richard Jones / Theo Andrew / Field Merchant / Edward A. Duddy - Find out added entry for authors according to AACR 2:
  • Title Page Great expectations / Charles Dickens / Retold by Florence Bell / Oxford / 1993 - Prepare Main entry heading for this document according to AACR 2
  • Title Page Motor bus laws and Regulations/ A Complete Code of all Motor Bus Regulatory Laws / Compiled and edited by John M. Meighan - State Main entry heading and added entries heading according to AACR 2
  • A document published in two volumes, and pages of volume 1 - preliminary pages : i-xvi, textual pages: 1-329 and Volume 2 - i-xx, 1-412 pages. Then catalogue entry for area 5 will be:
  • Title page Roget's Theaurus of English words and Phrases / New Edition / completely revised and modernised by Robert A. Dutch - state main entry and added entry headings according to AACR 2
  • Title Page Proceedings of the / Second European Networking conference on entreprenueurship Education / held at Toronto, Canada/ During April 12-16, 2014/ Editor : Prof. John Smith / Elsevier - New York / 2014 - Prepare Main Entry Heading for the document based on AACR 2

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